About Me

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I came to the US, to make high-nutrient, disease-immune and easy to grow genetically engineered potato. Initially, I was concentrating on the science side, but eventually started to realize, that it is not only science that needs to be changed but also the 'system' where scientific innovation resides. After completing a doctoral degree in bioengineering and innovation management, I have ventured to study international management and international politics, as a means to study science policy. My eventual goal is to apply the science policy in developing nations, but I am now focusing to apply in Japan, where the country is in deep trouble, not being able to align the country with rapidly spreading globalization.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just busy...restart

Attending 2011 Bioengineering Entrepreneurship Conference at UCSD.

Personalized Medicine and innovation.

As the cost of sequencing DNA (3.5G gases, only 1.5% code for protein)goes down, roughly following the Moore's Law (# processors in an area for semiconductors), it is now possible to decode 3 full human genome within 1 week for several thousand dollars (before it took 10years and billion dollars). A new paradigm of medicine will arise with personalized medicine where DNA sequence is analyzed while the subject is a baby and where PREVENTIVE medicine is applied, based on the information derived from the sequenced data.

Life Technologies(Frederic Pla, PhD)--> Biology is going to explode in the next decade once again!!

Invivoscribe (Jeffrey Miller, PhD): --> asking the question why to something that doesn't normally match...always have people around you who opposes your ideas, so you will be good at defending your model.
-While you have IP, make sure you do something that are socially responsible...so even after the IP expires, brand itself will remain (Kleenex).
-Strong believer of organic growth of company.

-He transitioned seamlessly from research to research and that prepared him in business (being able to see the key components in research.違う畑のものをどんどん見ていると、その中に共通するものが見えてくる)

-Key elements to success
  -identify opportunity
  - understand market
  - Don't choose something obsolete
  - Kill bad projects early
  - pick team of rivals
  -  Any high tech has to have a good IP
  - ENJOY the business! "I'll pay to do my job!"
  - Don't assume that your technology will always be competitive! (be paranoid!)

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