About Me

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I came to the US, to make high-nutrient, disease-immune and easy to grow genetically engineered potato. Initially, I was concentrating on the science side, but eventually started to realize, that it is not only science that needs to be changed but also the 'system' where scientific innovation resides. After completing a doctoral degree in bioengineering and innovation management, I have ventured to study international management and international politics, as a means to study science policy. My eventual goal is to apply the science policy in developing nations, but I am now focusing to apply in Japan, where the country is in deep trouble, not being able to align the country with rapidly spreading globalization.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Improvisation and Innovation

Improvisation and Innovation.
I am certain that these two are somewhat related...and in fact, I think that they are extremely well-related.
The technique of improvisation, where you make stories from nothing in a very short period of time, together in a team, sounds like a brainstorming session, at the beginning stage of innovation.

It is the combinations of seemingly unrelated things that will eventually make creativity...and to create something new.  Look at Medici Group run by Frans Johansson...his claim to fame was to create something new by combining seemingly different things. Think about improvisation...you are basically doing the same thing....you are 'given' a topic and by using the supercomputer in your brain, you are connecting the topic into something new and you are generating something that makes sense/funny (creating an instant value).

Artists are all entrepreneurs in one way or the other...
Improvisors are at the forefront of entrepreneurism...(although valuation is needed).

Had to pay almost $300 for the fine for not stopping at the Stop sign...

18 Days left until routinization..

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